Out of all our practices, the discipline of being a witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is one of the most crucial to practice properly. We can fumble our way through solitude or learning to Sabbath in a way that works for ourselves. However, the act of being a witness and sharing the true gospel is essential in what we call “going, evangelizing, or witnessing.”
In the Great Commission given to us in Matthew 28, Jesus tells His followers to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations”. Verse 20 follows with an important part of witnessing and making disciples, which is “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Our witness and sharing Jesus with others must begin with us experiencing, being with, and being changed by Jesus. Before we can share Jesus with others, we must truly know Him; before we can teach the way of Jesus to others, we must know and follow His way.
As we see in John 4 in the story of the woman at the well, Jesus teaches us so much about witnessing and how God can work within our witness. Ultimately, we see Jesus’ obedience to the Father seeking out those who are lost and offering them salvation through Faith in Christ the Messiah. This woman has a true life-changing encounter with Christ; she asks questions, her theology and christology begin to be formed, and she herself begins to witness to others. She goes back to her town, and this process of Gospel spread begins. Others then come to Jesus; they are changed by Him, and they begin sharing him as well.
There are many excuses or barriers we can find to being a witness, but what John 4 also teaches us is that we do not allow barriers to keep us from sharing Jesus. When we study this story, we see Jesus was under persecution, he was tired, hot, thirsty; Jesus could have easily chosen to rest, to be alone, but instead in grace and mercy He gave of himself. He changed this woman’s life and many others.
Witnessing at times may be difficult or uncomfortable, but it should not come from a place of obligation; instead, we should share Jesus out of love and life change we have experienced from Him.
Witnessing does not have to be weird. We have good news! We should be eager to share that with others. God has saved your soul from eternal death; God is at work in our world and lives today; God’s desire is to restore all that has been broken; the gospel message compels us to share.
Understand as well, it is not the quality of our witness that brings people to Jesus, it is the work of God through His spirit that brings salvation. We are just messengers living lives of obedience.
Here are ways to prepare for this practice:
Pray for those who do not know Jesus and that God would burden you for the lost.
Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with others.
Ask others to join you in prayer.
Study the Bible (John 1, John 4).
Here are ways to practice witnessing:
Share the gospel with family or friends.
Share the work that God has done in your life (your testimony).
Invite someone to church with you.
Things to avoid:
We are not trying to change anyones mind, argue, or debate. We are simply planting seeds, loving people and sharing Jesus. In the same way, we are not called to judge. We rely on God to change the hearts and minds of those that He saves, it is by Him and in His time. We are a witness to Christ and His saving power, not a witness of all the horrible things someone has done. Enter into this practice gently, with grace, compassion, and love.. Just like the one we follow, Jesus.