What if God’s plan is to bring salvation through His Spirit, to bring healing, understanding, another form of worship, another way to pray, restoration, strength, freedom, and deliverance? If this were God’s plan, I imagine Satan would be working to silence, hide, or distract us from ever seeing or experiencing God in this way.

He would make us busy, turning our focus to lower lying matters. He would keep us entertained, filled with distractions. He would make us tired, lacking the time and energy to pursue God. He would fool us, bringing about confusion, therefore preventing us from seeing the Holy Spirit at work. He would find a way for men to distort God's Word and mock His Spirit, and he would reward them with riches for it. Real work would be camouflaged within the fabric of false teachers, heretics, and evangelical entertainment.

Even believers would carry no tools to discern what is true and what is false in relation to God’s Spirit at work.

Do you see it? That is where we are today.

If it is true that we are “spiritual beings in a physical body and physical bodies in a spiritual world”, we should carry in us a proper understanding of God’s Spirit and the ability to be in union with Him.

If the means by which God brings salvation, healing, wisdom, or restoration is through His Spirit, we should have such a strong desire to understand the nature of God's Spirit and how He works. If God’s Spirit is tethered to ours, carrying the power and ability to change our lives, the lives of others, and our world, we should be working diligently to give Him the space and anything else necessary to work.

We are not alone; the Word of God and the Spirit of God provide everything we need to know, understand, and experience the Holy Spirit.

Throughout the months of April, May and June a small team from The District Church will be entering into a season of study and seeking after God’s Holy Spirit. Our goal is to understand more of the nature of God’s Spirit, to see Him at work, and to be used by Him. This study will help provide a position and content for a series on “The Holy Spirit”.

- Pastor Joshua


For 2 months we will study the Bible looking at the nature of the Holy Spirit, understanding who He is as God, the work of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and how our church can provide the space to see God at work through His spirit. 

The team will be made up of 5 groups of 2, totaling 10 people. Each group will be tasked with reading a specific book together and sharing the details of that study during group meetings. 

We will meet the following dates as a team:

Thursday June 6th
Thursday June 13th
Thursday June 20th
Thursday June 27th

*We will meet in person each of these days at 7:00 P.M*

The books you have been given are to help guide conversation and thought, and to supplement what we find in God’s word. The bible has the final word is the one that gives us our principles and practices. Below are portions of the bible that can be studied around the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 1:1-2

Genesis 6:3

Genesis 6:17

Genesis 7:15

Genesis 8:1

Genesis 41:38

Exodus 10

Exodus 15

Exodus 31:3

Exodus 35:31

Numbers 11

Numbers 16:22

Numbers 24:2

Numbers 27:18

Deuteronomy 34:9

Judges 3:10

Judges 6:34

Judges 9:23

Judges 11:29

Judges 13:25

Judges 14

Judges 15

1 Samuel 10&11

1 Samuel 16

1 Samuel 18&19

2 Samuel 22

2 Samuel 23:2

1 Kings 18:12

2 Kings 2

As you are studying together consider these questions and keep notes of what God is revealing to you.

  • Who is the Holy Spirit?

  • What is the nature of the Holy Spirit? how, when, and where.

  • Types of healing - Inner and Physical

  • What are the gifts of the Spirit? How are they found? How are they properly used?

  • Do all gifts still exist today?

  • Distinctions between the work of the Spirit in the OT/NT

  • How can the church create space for spiritual gifts to be used.